Google scholar profile
Charsley, K. & Ersanilli, E. (2019, forthcoming). The ‘Mangetar Trap’? Expectations and experiences of Pakistani Migrant Husbands in the UK, NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies
Ersanilli, E. & Charsley, K. (2018, forthcoming). ‘A good match? Education, labour market position and British South Asian transnational marriage’ , European Sociological Review
Van Bergen, Diana, Evelyn Ersanilli, Trees Pels & Doret de Ruyter (2016) Turkish-Dutch youths’ attitude toward violence for defending the in-group. What role does perceived parenting play?, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 22(2): 120-133
Carol, Sarah, Evelyn Ersanilli & Mareike Wagner (2014) ‘Spousal Choice among the children of Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in Six European Countries: Transnational Spouse or Co-ethnic Migrant?’, International Migration Review, 48(2): 387-414
Ersanilli, Evelyn (2012) ‘Model(ling) Citizens? Integration Policies and Value Integration of Turkish Immigrants and their Descendants in Germany, France, and the Netherlands’, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 10(3): 338-58
Ersanilli, Evelyn & Sawitri Saharso (2011) ‘The Residence Country and Ethnic Identification of Children of Turkish Immigrants in Germany, France, and the Netherlands. What Role do National Integration Policies play?’, International Migration Review,45(4): 907–37
Ersanilli, Evelyn & Ruud Koopmans (2011) ‘Do Immigrant Integration Policies Matter? A Three-Country Comparison among Turkish Immigrants’, West European Politics, 34(2): 208-234
Ersanilli, Evelyn & Ruud Koopmans (2010) ‘Rewarding integration? Citizenship regulations and socio-cultural integration of immigrants in the Netherlands, France and Germany’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , 36(5), pp 773-791, special issue on ‘Migration and Citizenship Attribution: Politics and Policies in Western Europe’ edited by Maarten Vink
Ersanilli, Evelyn (2009) ‘Identificatie van Turkse migrantenjongeren in Nederland, Frankrijk en Duitsland’, Migrantenstudies, 25(1), pp 42-58
Ersanilli, Evelyn (2010) Comparing Integration. Host culture adoption and ethnic retention among Turkish immigrants and their descendents in France, Germany and the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. ISBN 978-90-5335-250-2 (Shortlisted for Junior Societal Impact Award, VU University)
Charsley, Katharine, Bolognani, Marta, Spencer, Sarah, Jayaweera, Hiranthi & Ersanilli, Evelyn (2016) Marriage Migration and Integration Report , Bristol, UK: University of Bristol
Ersanilli, Evelyn (2014) ‘Country profile ‘the Netherlands’ ’, Focus Migration (in English and German).
Ersanilli, Evelyn & Ruud Koopmans (2013) ‘The Six Country Immigrant Integration Comparative Study (SCIICS) – Technical Report’, WZB Discussion Paper SP VI 2013–102. Berlin: WZB
Ersanilli, Evelyn (2012) ‘Survey Report’ EUMAGINE Project Paper 7
Ersanilli, Evelyn, Jorgen Carling & Hein de Haas (2011) ‘Methodology for quantitative data collection’, EUMAGINE Project Paper 6A.
Ersanilli, Evelyn & Ruud Koopmans (2009) ‘Join the club, but learn the rules. Wanted: intelligent integration policies’, WZB Mitteilungen, issue 126, pp 18-21
Ersanilli, Evelyn & Ruud Koopmans (2009) ‘Ethnic Retention and Host Culture Adoption among Turkish Immigrants in Germany, France and the Netherlands: A Controlled Comparison’, WZB Discussion Paper SP-IV 2009-701
Ersanilli, Evelyn (2007) Country profile ‘the Netherlands’ for Focus Migration
Ersanilli, Evelyn & Sawitri Saharso (2012) ‘Thuis zonder Heimat. Het thuisgevoel van kinderen van Turkse migranten in Nederland, Frankrijk en Duitsland’, pp 47-66, in R. Gowricharn, S. Trienekens & D.W. Postma (eds.), Geleefd burgerschap. Van eenheidsdwang naar ruimte voor verschil en vitaliteit. Amsterdam: SWP Uitgeverij
Ersanilli, Evelyn, Matthias Kortmann & Elisabeth Musch (eds) (2010) Themanummer ‘Over de grens. Duitsland en Nederland vergeleken’ (special issue ‘Across the border. Germany and the Netherlands compared’), Migrantenstudies, 26(2), pp 74-219
Evelyn Ersanilli & Peter Scholten (eds) (2009) Themanummer ‘identiteitsvorming van jongeren’(special issue ‘identity formation of youngsters’), Migrantenstudies, 25(1), pp 1-104
Saharso, Sawitri & Evelyn Ersanilli (eds) (2007) Themanummer ‘omstreden multiculturalisme’(special issue ‘contested multiculturalism’), Migrantenstudies, 23(4), pp 240-306
Gijsberts, Merove & Evelyn Ersanilli (eds) (2006) Themanummer emancipatie allochtone vrouwen(special issue on the position of migrant women), Migrantenstudies, 22(4), pp 154-266